Celebrate Staffing

We are excited to be Celebrating Staffing during the entire month of September with chances to win cash!  The month kicks off with National Staffing Employee Week, sponsored by the American Staffing Association, and in recognition we are taking nominations from our clients for current Staffing Stars. One lucky employee who worked for us in 2024 and is nominated by a client will win $250! Watch for those nominations as they begin to roll in and feature people like you who are worth celebrating.

Enter our second contest yourself, as many times as you like: 

You can participate in a second contest we are running all month by posting a review. We will draw for a $100 Amazon gift card from the reviews/entries we receive this month. Here’s how that will work:

  • You can simply send an email with any comments that you would like to make about the impact of staffing and/or your assignment with us.  We will count that as one entry and use those comments in our social media.

  • For any online review, you will be credited with 2 entries in the drawing. You can make multiple online reviews at the sites below for two points each time (previous reviews won’t count in this drawing, but since there are multiple sites you can choose another site😊):

  • A video testimonial (just use your cell phone) will be worth 3 entries in the drawing. Send that to us at 574-332-2692 or to lilye@personnelpartnersinc.com. (You can combine online reviews and a video testimonial for a ton of entries!) To make a video testimonial, just give 30-60 seconds’ worth of comments that would answer questions like this:

    • What would you say to someone who had never been to a staffing agency?

    • What was something that pleasantly surprised you about the process of screening or placement at Personnel Partners?

    • How did your experience in our client’s office advance your career or make your work enjoyable?

When you are finished with your reviews, check in with Lilye Adkins, contest organizer to let her know what you’ve done - she is tracking all the entries and won’t want to miss yours! You can either email lilye@personnelpartnersinc.com or reply to the text on your phone.